
Feminist emancipatory discourse from Astell's "Hog-Tending" through de Beauvoir's "Complicity" to Nussbaum's "Human Capabilities"

Verfasst von: Wishart, Helen [weitere]
in: The European journal of women's studies
London [u.a.]: 1999 , 281 - 290 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Wishart, Helen; Soady, Viki
In: The European journal of women's studies
Jahr: 1999
Sprache: Englisch
Even after two millenia, through her adherence to the Hegelian/Sartrean model of transcendence versus immancence, Simone de Beauvoir perpetuated the valorization of male risk-taking over the creation and nurture of life, obligations she assigned solely to the female. Nonetheless, her dispassionate, meticulous, phenomenological description of women's lived experience in "The Second Sex", combined with her insistence that women, in spite of their oppression, must choose to become subjects, to "engage in freely chosen projects', has spurred contemporary feminist theorists to expand the definition of the ethical and the moral to value female experience. The emancipatory discourse, therefore, has been extended by the work of feminists such as Martha Nussbau, Luce Irigaray and Carol Gilligan, who insist upon the inclusion of marginalized "others" in the definition of "human being" and "ethical activity".
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