
Gender mainstreaming in the European Union : towards a new conception and practice of equal opportunities?

Verfasst von: Booth, Christine
in: The European journal of women's studies
London [u.a.]: 2002 , 430 - 446 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Booth, Christine
In: The European journal of women's studies
Jahr: 2002
Sprache: Englisch
This article aims to make a contribution to the conceptualization of mainstreaming gender equality promoted by the European Union. It starts by exploring the historical periodization of equal opportunities delivery stretegies and challenging the compartmentalization of these developments. It suggests that equality policies can better be conceptualized in terms of a "three-legged equality stoll", which recognizes the interconnectiveness of three perspectives - the equal treatment perspective, the women's perspective and the gender perspective. The article argues that the gender perspective has been closely associated with strategies for mainstreaming gender equality, but that this association is misleading. As a result mainstreaming has remained a "fuzzy" concept, which in turn has led to many different styles and forms of practical implementation in European member states. for understanding the relationship between nature and culture and thereby the distinction of sex/nature and gender/culture.
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