Juristische Konstruktionen der Sittlichkeit im österreichischen Strafrecht
Verfasst von:
Benke, Nikolaus
L' homme
Wien; Köln; Weimar:
41 - 88 S.
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Einrichtung: | Ariadne | Wien |
Verfasst von: | Benke, Nikolaus info ; Holzleithner, Elisabeth |
In: | L' homme |
Jahr: | 1998 |
Sprache: | Deutsch |
Beschreibung: | |
The societal approach to and c oncept of the human sexual capacity has traditionally worked according to a dichotomous regime, thus promoting an idea of proper sexual discipline (Zucht) as opposed to the lack of such discipline (Unzucht), which is seen as being expressed by undesiderable sexual conduct. the article confines its perspective to Austrian criminal law, which has traditionally backed up this regimne, making exhaustive use of the category of "Unzucht". Its analyses focus mainly on three peculiar feature that reflect remarkable gender Inequalities: first, although the movement of Enlightenment has created an unprecendented concept of personal autonomy, it has almost schizophrenically maintained traditional genderroles and traditional assumptions of masculine and feminine sexuality. Second, Austrian criminal law still works largely by the legal notion of Unzucht, although this notion has been critized for being morally loaded to an extent that cannot be accepted in the light of an individualistic liberal system. Third, although the filed of criminal law has seen some improving shifts towards gender equality, particularly as far as rape is concerned, a close look reveals that institutionally accepted constellations like marriage or lon term heterosexual companionship still contain inequalities working to benefit of male partners... | |
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