
Helden und Heldinnen in nationalen Mythen und historischen Erzählungen Österreichs und Ungarns

Verfasst von: Liebhart, Karin [weitere]
in: L' homme
Wien; Köln; Weimar: 2001 , 239 - 264 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Liebhart, Karin; Rásky, Béla info
In: L' homme
Jahr: 2001
Sprache: Deutsch
The idea of heroes and heroism is an almost exclusively masculine one: as in other parts, the concept of heroine is an almost unknown feature of the different nation-building processes of Central Europe. Starting from this presumption, the authors try to compare the national myths and heroic hsitorical constructions, inventions, the self-imageries of two distinct Central European nations which in general are regarded to be very similar and/or related to one another - Austria and Hungary. The concept of hero ad the heroic national myths in both countries are analysed in their historical context in all their different aspects - in history, in the built environment and state representation, in public and/or offical memory, in popular material and immaterial culture, as well as in the anonymous "mass body" of the nation
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