
Feminist inquiry and the transformation of the "public" sphere in Virginia Helds "Feminist Morality"

Verfasst von: Moody-Adams, Michele M.
in: Hypatia
Bloomington: 1996 , 155 - 167 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Moody-Adams, Michele M.
In: Hypatia
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Englisch
Virginia Held's "Feminist Morality" defends the idea that it is possible to transform the "public" sphere by remaking it on the model of existing "private" relationships such as families. This paper challenges Held's optimism. It is argued that feminist moral inquiry can iaid in trnasforming the public sphere only by showing just how much the ellegedly "private" realms of families and personal relationship are shaped - and often misshapen - by public demands and concerns
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