
An alternative to pacifism? : feminism and just-war theory

Verfasst von: Peach, Lucinda J.
in: Hypatia
Bloomington: 1994 , 152 - 172 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Peach, Lucinda J.
In: Hypatia
Jahr: 1994
Sprache: Englisch
Only rarely have feminist theroies addressed the adequacy of just-war theory, a set of principles developed over hundreds of years to assess the justice of going to war and the morality of conduct in war. Recently, a few feminist scholars have found just-war theory inadequate, yet their own counterproposals are also deficient. I assess feminist contributions to just-war theorizing and suggest ways of strengthening, rathaer abandoning, this moral approach to war
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