
Reading Irigaray, dancing

Verfasst von: Summers-Bremner, Eluned
in: Hypatia
Bloomington: 2000 , 90 - 124 S.
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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Summers-Bremner, Eluned
In: Hypatia
Jahr: 2000
Sprache: Englisch
My essay incorporates Irigaray's notion of the sensible transcendental, a dynamic attempt to reconstitute the body/mind dualism which founds Western thought, into a reading of the practice of European concert dance. I contend that Irigaray's efforts toward articulating a language of the body as active agent have much to offer (feminist) analyses of dance practice, and develop this claim through a reading which reflects philosophically on the changing nature of my own dance activity.
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