
The Ridgelys of Hampton : new perspectives on musical life in early-nineteenth-century Baltimore

Verfasst von: Miller, Beth L.
in: The journal of musicological research
New York: 1994 , 35 - 54 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Miller, Beth L.
In: The journal of musicological research
Jahr: 1994
Sprache: Englisch
For a variety of reasons, musicologists rarely focus on music-making as an aspect of domestic life. the rich archival material related to the Ridgely family of Hampton, near Toswon, Maryland, illustrates and enlivens our picture of domestic music-making in nineteenth-century America. An analysis of the documents and artifacts in the Hampton Mansion and, in part at the Maryland Historical Society reflects on the issue of music and gender. The evidence documents the role and importance of music in various stages of women's lives, the dominance of women in domestic musical culture, the nature of the relationship between professional and amateur musicians, and the generational changes between 1815 and 1845
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