
The politics of illegitimacy in an age of reform : women, reproduction, and political economy in Englands "New Poor Law" of 1834

Verfasst von: Cody, Lisa Forman
in: Journal of women's history
Bloomington: 2000 , 131 - 156 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Cody, Lisa Forman
In: Journal of women's history
Jahr: 2000
Sprache: Englisch
this article examines the bastardy clauses of the New Poor Law of 1834 which made illegitimate children the responsibility of single mothers. These clauxes reveal a fundamental shift in thinking about pvertyx and welfare from paternalism to liberalism. Supporters of the clauses imagined both men and women as free agents economically responsible for themselves. Moreover, it was a liberal project - largely influenced by Thomas Robert Malthus and disseminated by the 1834 poor law Report... and such novelists as Harriet Martineau - asserting that poverty arose from overpopulation and that women more so than men were responsible for determining demographic growth...
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