
Single motherhood and maternal employment in divided Germany : ideology, policy, and social pressures in the 1950s

Verfasst von: Heineman, Elizabeth D.
in: Journal of women's history
Bloomington: 2000 , 146 - 172 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Heineman, Elizabeth D.
In: Journal of women's history
Jahr: 2000
Sprache: Englisch
Patterns of housewifery, single motherhood, and maternal emploment were similar in the two Germanys in the 1950s. Yet the social climate began to change in that decade. this article argues that, despite their short-term failure to change women's mothering and labour force bevavior via public policy, the German states stongly influenced the social pressures women faced by shaping the discursive environment. With the major political parties of West Germany unanimously preferring housewifery and the East German Socialist Unity Party acknowledging the value of housewifery, although ist promoted alternatives to it, the results were ironic. The strictly controlled academy and media of East Germany supported tolerance for a wider range of models of motherhood than did the uncensored media and scholarly community in the Western State. In exploring the ways capitalist liberal democracy and state socialism structured women's roles, historians must look beyond policies' material effects on women's labor force and mothering choices
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