
Carnegie Ladies, Lady Carnegies : women and the building of libraries

Verfasst von: Watson, Paula D.
in: Libraries & [and] culture
Austin: 1996 , 159 - 196 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Watson, Paula D.
In: Libraries & [and] culture
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Englisch
The library philanthropy of women of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is reviewed. The contributions of women's clubs are discussed with particular emphasis on their role in relation to Carnegie building grants. Portraits of individual woman donors are presented to provide insight into their characteristics and motivations. Donors were unlikely to have had formal education, but were likely to have had strong interests in reading and literature and personally empowering experiences with libraries. They tended to be long-lived, highly capable, and interested in other charities, especially those relating to women and children. Women's library philanthropy is seen as extensive, insufficiently recognized, and linked with other developments influencing the progress of their sex toward financial, political, and social independence during this period.
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