
The vision of the cyborg in cyberspace

Verfasst von: Ursprung, Eva info
in: Lola press
Berlin ; Windhoek ; Montevideo: 1999 , 27 - 30 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Ursprung, Eva info
In: Lola press
Jahr: 1999
Sprache: Englisch, Spanisch
Since the internet became popular, there is a growing number of communities in the web. Like in real life, you can find there everything - from Michael Jackson fan-clubs to women computer scientists to housewives exchanging recipes. People meet in MUDS (Multi-User-Dungeon) and MODs (MUD object oriented), creating their own socities and substitute-better-worlds. Most of the communities though are simple mailing-lists: a group of people, who join some kind of interests, communicating off-line via e-mails, which are sent to the whole group. One of the international all-women mailing lists is "faces". besides meeting virtually this permanently growing community met for dinner events in Glasgow (Great Britain), Belgrade (Croatia), Bielefeld (Germany) - and finally Graz (Austria). the article is based on the background and results of the conference "Face to Face, held from July 6 - 11th 1998 in Graz /Austria. The meeting included a series of workshops, presentations, events, exhibitions and experiments, trying to create a non-hierarchic interactive atmosphere, encouraging discussion in virtual and "real" reality
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