
Usherin in the 1890s : the letters from Ola Hansson and Laura Marholm to Hermann Bahr

Verfasst von: Brantly, Susan
in: Modern Austrian literature
Riverside: 1991 , 23 - 42 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Brantly, Susan
In: Modern Austrian literature
Jahr: 1991
Sprache: Englisch
In the early 1890s, Ola Hansson and Hermann Bahr incited a revolt against naturalism in German letters. Laura Marholm and Bahr exchanged views on the psychology of women which were to permeate the atmosphere of the 1890s. The letters from Hansson and Marholm to Bahr provide a glimpse into a bout of literary and critical activity that helped to usher in a new literary aesthetic.
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