
Exil und Post-Exil : Elisabeth Freundlichs Erinnerungsbuch "Die fahrenden Jahre"

Verfasst von: Hertling, Viktoria
in: Modern Austrian literature
Riverside: 1997 , 102 - 116 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Hertling, Viktoria
In: Modern Austrian literature
Jahr: 1997
Sprache: Deutsch
The notion of a "Rückkehr in die Fremde" marks the experiences of the writer/journalist Elisabeth Freundlich upon her remigration into Austria in the early 1950s. Her book of reminiscence "Die fahrenden Jahre", published in Vienna in 1992, traces her life from the early part of the twentieth century within the Austro-Hungarian empire through her years of resistance to fascism, her exile in Paris and New York, and her return to Vienna to a life of literary marginality within Austrian culture today.
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