
Gender and the German literary canon : Marianne Ehrmann's infanticide fiction

Verfasst von: Madland, Helga Stipa
in: Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, deutsche Sprache und Literatur
Madison: 1992 , 405 - 416 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Madland, Helga Stipa
In: Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, deutsche Sprache und Literatur
Jahr: 1992
Sprache: Englisch
Infanticide as a literary motif during Sturm und Drang is known to us only from a cononical male point of view. It is argued that the infanticide texts are yet another example of the movement's attention to psychological representation of character and advocacy of social reform. A feminist reading of the infanticide texts, however, suggests that their proliferation during the last decades of the eighteenth century in formats easily accessible to middleclass readers had other purposes: they served as an effective tool in both the domestication of women and in their training as sex objects. Marianne Ehrmann, an eighteenth-century wirter, editor, and journalist dedicated to the education of women, treated the infanticide motif in a radically different fashion, using it to instruct rather than terrify and titillate the reader. her infanticide texts, which literary historians have neglected to include in the canon, are an important variation of the infanticide motif.
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