
Die Jüdinnen in Thomas Manns Erzählwerk

Verfasst von: Elsaghe, Yahya
in: Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, deutsche Sprache und Literatur
Madison: 2001 , 159 - 176 S.
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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Elsaghe, Yahya
In: Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, deutsche Sprache und Literatur
Jahr: 2001
Sprache: Deutsch
The Jewish figures in Thomas Mann's literary oeuvre are indicative, in both their distribution and their respective sets of characteristics, of the catastrophic caesura encompassed by this oeuvre. Their distribution, i.e., the absence of Jewish characters in texts conceived after World War II, reflects with uncanny accuracy the genocide committed during the Third Reich. The previous shaping of Jewish characters, especially of the female ones, from "Der Wille zum Glück" to "Doktor Faustus" sheds light on a shift from an anthropological to a cultural conception of Jewishness. The latter conception is imbued with grief and melancholy, whereas the former is defensively dominated by a fear of total assimilation facilitated by women's legal right to assume non-Jewish names by marrying into the "German" community. Vis à vis this legal option, the representation of young and sexually attractive Jewish women disproportionately emphasizes the stereotypical markers of physical alterity.
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