
Voices of protest in Rosa Montero's "Crónica del desamor"

Verfasst von: Marcone, Rose Marie
in: Neophilologus
Dordrecht [u.a.]: 1998 , 63-70 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Marcone, Rose Marie
In: Neophilologus
Jahr: 1998
Sprache: Englisch
"Crónica del desamor" (1979) is a statement of collective disillusionment depicting the modd of the Spaniards during the period following Franco's death. We hear in this text the voice of a new generation which is interested in the cause of their present state and the ways to deal with it. Their skepticism has changed the focus of their protest. The characters look inward and to each other making their own lives and not politics the center of their attention. They seek an escape from the despair, insecurity, and lack of communication that surround them. The narrative line is developed by these attitudes which result from the characters' exploration or reaction to the psychological constant of frustration that unites them. It is apparent that the death of a dictator doesn't erase old problems but creates new ones.
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