
On metaphors on the position of women in academia and science

Verfasst von: Husu, Liisa
in: Nora
Oslo: 2001 , 172 - 181 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Husu, Liisa
In: Nora
Jahr: 2001
Sprache: Englisch
In research and science policy on women in academia, various metaphors are often used to crystallize the complexities of women's position and persistent inequalities there. Although research has gradually shifted from a "women as a problem" perspective towards problematizing academia, metaphors focusing on women abound. Metaphors in this field are explored in terms of their focus and approach to power, resistance, agency and change. Many metaphors depict women's position in academia as static rather than dynamic. Very few include references to women's agency and resistance. A more critical approach towards metaphors in both research and science policy is advocated.
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