
Camus' portrayal of women in "State of Siege" : exegesis and explication

Verfasst von: Curtis, Jerry L.
in: Orbis litterarum
Oxford: 1998 , 42 - 64 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Curtis, Jerry L.
In: Orbis litterarum
Jahr: 1998
Sprache: Englisch
This study compares the positive portrayal of women in "State of Siege" with that of women in Camus' other writings in an attempt to address the ambiguity of male-female relationships in his work. Such relationships, generally apprehended as negative, are informed by an ambivalency inherent in the loyalty and detachment Camus experienced in relation to his mother - relationship that survived unavoidable differences that separated them.
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