
The city as a site of women teachers' post-suffrage political activism : Adelaide, South Australia

Verfasst von: Trethewey, Lynne [weitere]
in: Paedagogica historica
Basingstoke: 2002 , 107 - 120 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Trethewey, Lynne; Whitehead, Kay
In: Paedagogica historica
Jahr: 2002
Sprache: Englisch
This paper focuses on the political activism of three women teachers, Lizzie Hales, Phebe Watsond and adelaide Miethke, in the city of Adelaide, South Australia, during the postsuffrage era. With the exception of adelaide Miethke, none of these women are known to historians who are interested in psot-suffrage feminism, and in the hsitory of education the focus has been mostly on their involvement in the teacher's union. However, our research has revealed that the teacher's union was only one of several forums in which they worked for social change...31pMiethke, Adelaide;Watson, Phebe;Hales, Lizzie
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