
Are women for women? : feminist and traditional values in the female electorate

Verfasst von: Lewis, Carolyn V.
in: Women & politics
Binghamton: 1999 , 1 - 28 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Lewis, Carolyn V.
In: Women & politics
Jahr: 1999
Sprache: Englisch
In this research, I use the ANES 1992 to examine the distribution and dimensionality of feminist and traditional values among women. I find a group of moderate women who hold mixtures of both types of values. The characteristics of this group are compared with feminist and traditional women. I then conduct a factor analysis of women's values and use the resulting factors to determine the influence of feminist and traditional dimensions of evaluation on the probability of voting for female Senate candidates. I find that protection against sexual harassment and feminist identity represent important feminist dimensions, and protection of the family constitutes an important traditional dimension. In 1992, moderate women were feminist leaning and their votes created a large majority with feminist women.
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