
Mona Caird (1854-1932) : wild woman, new woman, and early radical feminist critic of marriage and motherhood

Verfasst von: Heilmann, Ann
in: Women's history review
Wallingford: 1996 , 67 - 95 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Heilmann, Ann
In: Women's history review
Jahr: 1996
Sprache: Englisch
This paper, which makes available previously unknown pictures and personal information drawn from interviews, introduces aspects of the life and work of a neglected First Wave feminist writer. In particular, it examines Caird's analysis of the social construction of marriage and motherhood and the dynamics of mother-daughter relationships. The conceptual framework within which Caird wrote, while being embedded in its historical context, bears striking resemblance to some theories within Second Wave thought, especially those of Carol Gilligan and Adrienne Rich. The paper addresses the problem of how to negotiate the danger of ahisticism when establishing ideological and conceputal links between feminists of different historical periods, and argues for regarding Caird as a radical feminist in the making.
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