
The prison experiences of the suffragettes in Edwardian Britain

Verfasst von: Purvis, June
in: Women's history review
Wallingford: 1995 , 103 - 133 S.
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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Purvis, June
In: Women's history review
Jahr: 1995
Sprache: Englisch
This article focuses in depth upon the prison experiences of the suffragettes in Edwardian Britain and challenges many of the assumptions that have commonly been made about women suffrage prisoners. Thus it is revealed that a number of the prisoners were poor and working-class women and not, as has been too readily assumed, bourgeois women. The assumption too that the women prisoners were single is challenged. Married women and mothers as well as spinsters, endured the harshness of prison life. Other differences between the women, such as disability and age, are also explored. Despite such differentiation, however, the women prisoners developed supportive networks, a culture of sharing and an emphasis upon the collectivity. Their courage, bravery and faith in the women's cause, espeically when enduring the torture of forcible feeding and repeated imprisonments, should remain an inspiration to all feminists today.
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