
Gender, work and labour history : a response to Carol Morgan

Verfasst von: Blackburn, Sheila
in: Women's history review
Wallingford: 2001 , 121 - 135 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Blackburn, Sheila
In: Women's history review
Jahr: 2001
Sprache: Englisch
Carol Morgan has proposed (Women's History Review, 6[3], 1997) that in future, rather than concentrating their efforts on studying gender conflict, labour historians should research men and women's mutual struggle in the workplace. She cautions those who ignore the implications of local labour markets, regional variations and change over time in order to maximise women's subordinate role at the point of production. These are important considerations, But in her critique, Morgan probably gives insufficient weight to the conclusions of earlier writers. Her case studies on cotton and chain-making have been previously well-researched and the rationale for investigating two such disparate trades is not fully developed. Morgan's arguments are also at variance with those historians who consider home and work to be separate but interconnected. The latter advocate the adoption of a household-centred labour history, analysing both the "private" and "public" spheres to investigate breadwinning patterns and union strategies, and more generally to offer a new perspective on gender and class relations.
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