
Toward a feminist rhetoric: the Gilligan debate revisited

Verfasst von: Davis, Kathy
in: Women's studies international forum
New York [u.a.]: 1992 , 219 - 231 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Davis, Kathy
In: Women's studies international forum
Jahr: 1992
Sprache: Englisch
In this paper, a rhetorical approach is applied to feminist debates about gender, care, and morality, using the controversies which have emerged in responseto Carol gilligan's "In a different voice" as a case in point. despite massive and, in some cases, devastating criticism, the Gilligan debate continues to stimulate, but also to aggravate feminist scholars of all persuasions. By taking a closer look a the inds of argumentative strategies employed by Gilligan's cirtics, an attempt will be made to understand how feminist controversies like the Gilligan debate can be both popular and, at the same time, circular and even tediously repetitious. I will be exploring some of the rhetorical strategies employed in this particular debate, demonstrating why they have been counterproductive. some suggestions will be put forward for a different kind of feminist rhetoric - one that will enable us to learn from the Gilligan debate, while avoiding some of its pitfalls.
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