Lesbians giving and receiving care: stretching conceptualizations of caring and community
Verfasst von:
Aronson, Jane
Women's studies international forum
New York [u.a.]:
505 - 519 S.
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Einrichtung: | Ariadne | Wien |
Verfasst von: | Aronson, Jane |
In: | Women's studies international forum |
Jahr: | 1998 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Beschreibung: | |
In western social welfare jurisdiction, responsibilty for the care of people who are disabled or frail is typically pressed our of the public domain to the private domain of families, and within them, to women. Feminist critiques of this social division and privatizing of care seldom addressed the possibilities of care giving and receiving in nonfamilial contexts. A study of lesbians caring for and being cared for by other lesbians in the context of partnership, friendships, and community networks explores these more spacious and relatively unremarked possibilities. Conceptually, a focus on lesbian experience provides a fruitful point of entry for thinking about alternative ways of building supportive social ties, thus contributing to the wider feminist vision of a public cutlure of care in which the legitimacy of needs for assistance and the value of care are regarded as important matters for collective concern and response | |
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