
In and out of the milking parlour : a cross-national comparison of gender, the dairy industry and the state

Verfasst von: Shortall, Sally
in: Women's studies international forum
New York [u.a.]: 2000 , 247 - 257 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Shortall, Sally
In: Women's studies international forum
Jahr: 2000
Sprache: Englisch
In this article, I will consider the commercialisation of the dairy industry that happened between the mid-19th century and the early 20th century in western Europe and North America. Farming throughout Europe and across the western world is marked by diversity. This is partly due to such factors as climate, soil, and distance from centres of consumption, but also to the fact that agriculture is a social construction. As Long and van der Ploeg (1994) note, the way agricultural practice is organised depends heavily on the actors involved in it, and the different social, economic, cultural and historical relations in which it is embedded. Long and van der Ploeg gently remind rural scholars that the behaviour of relevant actors interacts with the actions of the state and institutions to create particular and diverse outcomes. What is remarkable about women's nineteenth Century role in the dairy industry, is the uniformity of change that occurred in different countries. I argue that this was primarily the result oftheir relationship to property, and their limited resources to successfully organise around their grievances. The economic power of property ownership is very clear throughout this article. Although women had responsibility for dairying , they did not control the resources of the dairy industry. For a capitalist state committed to capital accumulation, it was logical to ally with those who had the economic power to invest in the industry. The actions of the state were easily legitimised by reference to the Victorian ideology of the time. While some examples of resistance are outlined throughout the article, women in dairying were organisationally outflanked; they did not have the resources, or organisational power to resist with any significant consequence.
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