
Claiming the campus for female students in Bangladesh

Verfasst von: Rozario, Santi
in: Women's studies international forum
New York [u.a.]: 2001 , 157 - 166 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Rozario, Santi
In: Women's studies international forum
Jahr: 2001
Sprache: Englisch
The Bangladeshi university system has been open to women since its beginnings in 1921. In practice, however, Bangladeshi social norms place many limitations in the way of female students. The increasing politicization of the universities in recent years has led to campuses being dominated by male student cliques allied to whichever party is ruling at the time. This has further worsened the situation of female students, as a recent series of events at Jahangirnagar University, the second university of Dhaka, illustrates. In 1998, a group of male students were involved in several rape incidents on the campus. The University was reluctant to take action because othe offenders had powerful political connections, and the resulting protest campaign led to a widespread discussion in the Bangladeshi media. In this article, I consider these events. I show how Bangladeshi socialnorms have brought about an effective and worsening "culture of exclusion" for female students and academic staff, and also discuss the attempts by staff (mainly female) and students to counter this situation and to claim the campus as a space in which women are able to take a full role.
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