
A science of beauty? : feminity, fitness and the nineteenth-century phsiognomic tradition

Verfasst von: Hartley, Lucy
in: Women
London: 2001 , 19 - 34 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Hartley, Lucy
In: Women
Jahr: 2001
Sprache: Englisch
Hartley discusses the place of beauty in scientific debates about human nature, primarily as the representation of symmetry and in particular its association with Woman. It was often held that superior physical appearance was the expression of superior moral and mental development in mid-nineteenth-century Britain. Indeed, an analysis of beauty derived from the connection between appearance and character (as emblems of body and mind respectively) deems physicality the index of mental and sometimes, but not always, moral development. Hartly suggests that the particular alignment of beauty and science in the period draws on biological narratives of imporovement in order to sustain a vision of the stability of the social order.
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