
The representation of women's heterosexual desire in Augusta Webster's "Circe" and "Medea in Athens"

Verfasst von: Sutphin, Christine
in: Women's writing
Wallingford: 1998 , 373 - 392 : Ill. S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Sutphin, Christine
In: Women's writing
Jahr: 1998
Sprache: Englisch
Twentieth-century constructions of Victorian sexuality have become more complicated as theorists have challenged the idea of the asexual "angel" and the accompanying ideologies of prudery and repression. this article posits that much pro-sexuality discourse was the province of male doctors, who - while they emphasized a normal women's sexuality - also worked to contain it within prsecriptions of chastity. In painting, fiction, and poetry, the representation of women's sexuality was highly contested. Male poets often represented female desire filtered through a male persona. Augusta Webster's "Circe" and "Medea" contribute to the discourse on women's sexuality by voicing the desire of the women personae and their critique of heterosexuality. circe and Medea's status as mythological women, which apparently distances them from constructions of Victorian womanhood, serves both to undermine and affirm their versions of the complexities of female desire within heterosexual politics
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