
Der Körper des Helden und das "Leben" der Königin : Geschlechter- und Machtkonstellationen im "Nibelungenlied"

Verfasst von: Schausten, Monika
in: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie
Berlin: 1999 , 27 - 49 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Schausten, Monika
In: Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie
Jahr: 1999
Sprache: Deutsch
The sixth book of the Nibelungenlied is given a new reading on the basis of research into the "body" initiated by medieval historians and literary scholars (Althoff Jaeger) and by relevant works on gender theory (Butler et al). This shows that the literary construction of the Brunhild character as a political figure with immense physical strength corresponds to the character of Siegfried in the text. One way in which power-political struggles are portrayed in the Nibelungenlied is as a conflict between the sexes. Seen from this perspective, the concept of gender which occurs in the text has features of a "one gender model" (Laqueur). On the other hand, the use of narrative strategies in the poem emphasises the difference between the genders, a difference which is revealed in Brunhild's defeat: the narrated "life" of the Queen is thus shown to be completely determined by the lie of the stirrup service.
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