
Grrl explore of the World Wild Web

in: Nora : Nordic Journal of Women's Studies
Oslo: 2003 , 140 - 148 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Halmø Kroløkke,Charlotte
In: Nora : Nordic Journal of Women's Studies
Jahr: 2003
Sprache: Englisch
Scholars in feminist rhetorical theory and lingusitics have documented ways in which online environments reinstate patriarchal forms of control, leading to the continued online victimization of women. In this article, young women's resistance to a narrative of victimization is seen through the lenses of a feminist reconstructionist perspective and a gender diversity perspective (Foss, Foss and Griffin 1997;Condit 1997). The author finds that frrls are best understood within a gender diversity perspective on rhetoric (Condit 1997, Butler 1990, 1997). Grrls approriate the frontier metaphor and engender masculine talk to communicate resistance and change. the author concludes that the rhetoric of young women broadens the scope of feminist rhetorical criticism and calls for a re-visioning of feminist rhetoric
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