
From winter into summer : the Italian evolution of Frances Power Cobbe

Verfasst von: Mitchell, Sally
in: Women's writing
Wallingford: 2003 , 343 - 351 : La bella libertá : women and the flight to Italy S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Mitchell, Sally
In: Women's writing
Jahr: 2003
Sprache: Englisch
In 1857, Frances Power Cobbe was a thirty-five year-old spinster whose intellectual gifts were unacknowledged. Within days of reaching Rome, strangers in a hotel recognized her as the author of a book they valued. during the next decade, successive trips to Italy gave her new axquaintances, a view of women's independence, the means to support herself as a journalist, activis in an important cause, and an introduction to the beloved friend with whom she shared her life for more than thirty years
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