
Separating the saints from the boys : sainthood and masculinity in the old French "Vie de Saint Alexis"

Verfasst von: Campbell, Emma
in: French studies
2003 , 447 - 462 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Campbell, Emma
In: French studies
Jahr: 2003
Sprache: Englisch
This article considers how the analysis of medieval French saints' lives might contribute to current discussions concerning the study of gender and identity in literary texts. Basing her discussion on the "Vie de Saint Alexis", Campbell uses anthropological theories of the gift and its relationship to gender to explore how the masculinity of the Saint is constructed in relation to networks of gift exchange, arguing that the parallel terrestrial and celestial economies represented in the poem provide alternative contexts within which this identity is to be read. (...)
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