
Fracturing perspectives of Italy in Anna Jameson's "Diary of an Ennuyée"

Verfasst von: Johnston, Judith
in: Women's writing
Wallingford: 2004 , 11 - 24 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Johnston, Judith
In: Women's writing
Jahr: 2004
Sprache: Englisch
This article explores Anna Jameson's "Diary of an Ennuyée" (1826), in which she describes a journey through France and Italy. The text is part romantic sentimental novel, part straightforward non-fiction travel discourse, a comprehensively flaweed structure, because the shifting form one mode to the other is so obvious. The author investigates how the slippages between the two categories fracture the text. the result is a fracturing of expectation which permits a new perspectives in which contemporary 1820s Italy is occasionally glimpsed and considered. The slippages also fracture to reveal a new type of woman, a strong, vibrant traveller celebrating her mobility and offering perspectives on Italy and France, their artworks and landscapes, in a tourist guide format which looks forward to a Victorian sensibility
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