
A home away from home? : the hotel as space of emancipation in early twentieth-century Austrian bourgeois literature

Verfasst von: Matthias, Bettina
in: German studies review
Tempe: 2004 , 325 - 340 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Matthias, Bettina
In: German studies review
Jahr: 2004
Sprache: Englisch
Hotels, generally overlooked by literary critics as obvious backdrops in travel, were actually a key literary device for several early twentieth-century Austrian authors. As "homes away from home", hotels become the perfect breeding ground and symbol for social interaction in modernity as described by Georg Simmel and Siegfried Kracauer. In these semi-anonymous and capitalized spaces, daughters try to break free from the premodern paternal order. However, the lack of the space's intrinsic qualities ultimately makes the project of emanicpation fail and leaves some women with no other option than suicide as the only authentic expression of self
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