
Global players - global prayers : Gender und Migration in transnationalen religiösen Räumen

Verfasst von: Hüwelmeier, Gertrud
in: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde
Münster [u.a.]: 2004 , 161 - 175 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Hüwelmeier, Gertrud
In: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde
Jahr: 2004
Sprache: Deutsch
The relationship between transnationalsim and religion has to date not received a great deal of attention in research of global networks. As in the past, migrants bring their religions along, and gathering religiously is one of the ways to make a life in diaspora. By founding temples, mosques and churches immigrants build, adapt, and remodel their social relations in the host societies. Simultaneously they maintain social, economic and relgious ties with their countries of origin. This article will focus on the relations between gender and religion in the processes of crossing borders
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