
Politik der Vielfalt : Strategien für die Zukunft

Verfasst von: Braidotti, Rosi info
in: Polylog
Wien: 1999 , 6 - 12 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Braidotti, Rosi info
In: Polylog
Jahr: 1999
Sprache: Deutsch
Rosi Braidotti analyses intersections between feminist deconstruction and black studies on postcolonial theory. Both approaches theorize power formations and point at how differences are hierarchically constructed. Thus Braidotti speaks of the colonization of differenece. On the background of relevant developments in black studies Braidotti argues for the need to develop a new form of moral reasoning, thinking new affirmative values and a new universals in feminist theory. She pleads for a politics of diversity avoiding the pitfalls of relativism and of essentialism.
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