
Deleuzian bodies, feminist tactics

Verfasst von: Marsden, Jill
in: Women
London: 2004 , 308 - 319 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Marsden, Jill
In: Women
Jahr: 2004
Sprache: Englisch
Marsden explores a Deleuzian view of embodiment in terms of current feminist work on the politics and practice of rape prevention. She argues that, by developing Deleuze's various insights on materiality and power, it is possible to demonstrate how effective resistance to sexual violence can function at a micropolitical level. This is pursued through an analysis of two recent contributions to the feminist exploration of rape by Sharon Marcus and Carine M. Madorossian. Marsden suggests that Marcus's concerted challenge to normative accounts of female physicality and learned passivity provide a valuable basis for rethinking the processes by which victimhood is socially reproduced and reinforced while Madorossian's work on victimhood provides useful insight into the political necessity of voicing narratives of abuse and survival. Using a Deleuzian account of Nietzsche's ideas about active and reactive values, she argues that this work on gendered narrativity might be usefully supplemented with an account of embodied values. To this end she claims that Deleuze's philosophy supplies us with new philosophical tactics for thinking about the body and, more controversically, with new bodies with which to think.
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