Moral exclusion and the hardening of difference : explaining women's protection of industrial forestry on Canada's West Coast
Verfasst von:
Reed, Maureen G.
Women's studies international forum
New York [u.a.]:
223 - 242 S.
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Einrichtung: | Ariadne | Wien |
Verfasst von: | Reed, Maureen G. |
In: | Women's studies international forum |
Jahr: | 2004 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Beschreibung: | |
In this article, I provide a sympathetic, yet skeptical, examination of the perspectives of women who seek to protect industrial forestry. Feminist scholars have tended to focus on women who are involved in nature protection campaigns leaving the impression that women do or should be solely involved in environmental protection. Using the concept of moral exclusion, I argue that women's efforts to protect industrial forestry can be understood as both a politics of opposition and a politics of affirmation of rural culture, embedded within circumstances that are particular to specific places. Turning to a study of women living in forestry communities on northern Vancouver Island, Canada, I illustrate how rhetoric and strategies of moral exclusion get played out. I suggest that understanding these dynamics helps to interpret and overcome divisions between environmental and anti-environmental positions. Feminist research strategies of sympathy and engagement with the subject are key to this understanding. | |
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