
Überschneidungen, Korrespondenzen, Unvereinbarkeiten : das Verhältnis von Befreiungstheolgie, bürgerlicher und marxistischer Subjekttheorie und Postmoderne

Verfasst von: Günter, Andrea
in: Feminist perspectives in pastoral theology
Leuven: 1998 , 85 - 98 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Günter, Andrea
In: Feminist perspectives in pastoral theology
Jahr: 1998
Sprache: Deutsch
In determinig the relationship between liberation theology, bourgeois and Marxist subject theory as well as post-modernism, this article attempts to give a differentiated view of the accusation that post-modernism is "unpolitical". The author sees theories of knowledge based on an option, which is anchored not only in feminist liberation theology discourse, but also in the post-modern debate. On the one hand she makes clear that theory of knowledge and action are inseparable, on the other hand she draws attention to the fact that powerlessness in political action has less to do with the illusion of rationality and misguided self-consciousness than with the insufficiency of the political itself. She pleads, so to speak, for an alliance between liberation theology, economic and social criticism, because only such a post-modern "alliance of thinking" is capable of judging the ambivalences, contradictions and complexity of life.
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