
Pro-porn rhetoric and the cinema of Monika Treut

Verfasst von: Cormican, Muriel
in: Women in German yearbook
Lincoln: 2004 , 179 - 199 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Cormican, Muriel
In: Women in German yearbook
Jahr: 2004
Sprache: Englisch
In this essay, I ferret out points of confluence between Treut's queer agenda and anti-porn feminism, arguing that the discourse on the films, unlike the films themselves, produces a simplistic figure of opposition, namely anti-porn feminism. This results in a fake and unproductive dichotomy whereby tolerant, pro-queer, fun-loving, pro-porn feminists protect the rights of the sexually oppressed against puritanical, anti-queer, militant, anti-porn feminists. Such a dichotomy undermines the important questions that Treut's films pose and that encourage us all, pro- and anti-porn feminists alike, to consider what our erotic options as women, lesbians, and/or feminists might be
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