
Zum Wandel der Geschlechtertopographie am Beispiel männlicher und weiblicher Klubs

Verfasst von: Stambolis, Barbara
in: Kinderlosigkeit
Stuttgart: 2005 , 114 - 128 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Stambolis, Barbara
In: Kinderlosigkeit
Jahr: 2005
Sprache: Deutsch
Women respond to the male policy of forming exclusive dominions by creating female networks. Female clubs in particular are telling examples of the way women have organized themselves and reacted to traditional male organizations. Female service clubs like Zonta and Soroptimist are likely to be compared with their male counterparts. Their successstory is still to be critically examined, yet it demonstrates not only that women have exerted an influence on the changing pattern (»topography«) of gender roles, but gives evidence how this was done.
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