
Austrian Fin-de-Siècle gender heteroglossia : the dialogism of misogyny, feminism, and viriphobia

Verfasst von: Schwartz, Agatha
in: German studies review
Tempe: 2005 , 347 - 366 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Schwartz, Agatha
In: German studies review
Jahr: 2005
Sprache: Englisch
The crisis of gender roles and concepts elicited a lively controversy at the j century. In Austria, misogynist authors like Otto Weininger tried to dominate , but feminists, such as Rosa Mayreder and Grete Meisel-Hess, countered effectively. The third voice in this interaction, that of viriphobia (Helene von Druskowitz and Elsa Asenijeff), has been largely neglected. In the context of the debate over the biology versus social construction of gender, misogynists focused on the danger of the "feminization" of culture, feminists sought to integrate the feminine, while the viriphobic authors aimed to exclude the masculine.
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