
"Provisioning" : conceptualizing the work of women for 21st century social policy

Verfasst von: Neysmith, Sheila M. [weitere]
in: Women's studies international forum
New York [u.a.]: 2005 , 381 - 391 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Neysmith, Sheila M.; Reitsma-Street, Marge
In: Women's studies international forum
Jahr: 2005
Sprache: Englisch
Economic restructuring and dismantling of social welfare provisions have disparate effects across different segments of the population. Women are disproportionately affected because the multiple types of work they do inside and outside the formal economy restricts their capacity to sustain themselves today and develop options for the future. This article examines the utility of the concept of provisioning for exploring innovative strategies that groups of women are using to provide for themselves, and members of their households and neighbourhoods. An emphasis on provisioning breaks down distinctions between market, familial and social activities; it includes production and distribution activities needed for human beings to survive and flourish. Women carry particular obligations to do provisioning, and it is women who bear the heaviest consequences when these efforts fail. The article goes on to examine the implications of findings from research using interviews with women in four Canadian cities living on low incomes who are also part of what might be called provisioning communities. Provisioning communities are defined as groups of women who come together in local initiatives, such as a community resource centre or a women's employability program, to address fundamental sources of impoverishment as well as practical livelihood needs
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