
Replacing just war theory with an ethics of sexual difference

Verfasst von: Poe, Danielle
in: Just war
Bloomington: 2008 , 33 - 47 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Poe, Danielle
In: Just war
Jahr: 2008
Sprache: Englisch
This essay argues that the flaws of just war theory should lead us to develop a new approach to living with others. Danielle Poe begins her argument with a description of just war theory and its failures. In the next section, Poe discusses the philosophy of Bat-Ami Bar On and Luce Irigaray in order to construct ethical commitments between people. These ethical commitments come from concrete acts of empathy, such as relationships of compassion, kindness, and hospitality. Finally, Poe considers how these concrete acts can create conditions to prevent war.
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