
The paratextual contruction of Anita Brookner : chronotopic conflict in the book review and author interview

Verfasst von: Mayer, Peta
in: Women : a cultural review
London: 2008 , 49 - 68 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Mayer, Peta
In: Women : a cultural review
Jahr: 2008
Sprache: Englisch
Brookner has long been criticised for being old-fashioned, outdated and boring. Critics have struggled to contextualise her representations of gender and historical time, and her literary practice with contemporary discourses. In this paper I examine what it means to claim that the Brookner text is ‘without context’. I argue that the proposition that text and context are interdependent rests on the conflation of paratext and narrative. I suggest that text and context are interdependent insofar as text paratext narrative. I contend that the difficulty critics have had in contextualising Brookner’s work has been a result of the unacknowledged influence of the paratext in interpretation. The ‘paratext’ refers to the way a text is presented and marketed by the publisher and in the media, including book reviews and author interviews. These genres have significantly influenced the cultural imagination about Brookner. Reviews and interviews have their own reading practices and temporal organisation. I argue that the paratext is organised by a contemporary chronotope, while Brookner’s intertextual narrative is organised by chronotopes of multiple temporalities. The intertextual Brookner narrative resists its production by the paratextual chronotope and this results in difficulties in contextualising the Brookner text. I make a genre analysis of the Brookner book review and author interview which closely examines the mechanisms of the contemporary paratextual chronotope.
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