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Einrichtung: CID Fraen an Gender
Verfasst von: MacKinnon, Catharine A. info
Jahr: 2017
ISBN: 0674416600
Sprache: Englisch
"Encompassing legal and political interventions from 1976 to 2016, this volume collects moments of attempts to change the inequality of women to men and reflections on those attempts"--Introduction
"The theme of this book is intervening in the process of social change through legal change. The book consists of 28 chapters with introductory and concluding essays by Catharine MacKinnon. All develop the author's signature theme: that one cannot think that the way the law approaches things is all there is to knowing about them. The focus of the argument is that some wrongs (to women) may not yet be intelligible as legal wrongs, and that social problems (of oppression) may yet have no adequate legal approach. The collection makes an ideal introduction to the writing and thinking of this foremost legal scholar"--
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CID | Fraen an Gender
Frauen- und Genderbibliothek CID

14 rue Beck
L-1222 Luxemburg
Telefon: +352 - 24 10 95 - 1
Tues.-Fri. : 12-18 hrs
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