Buch Monografie

The mistress of spices

London: Black Swan , 1997 , 317 S.
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Einrichtung: CID | Fraen an Gender | Luxemburg
Verfasst von: Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee
Jahr: 1997
ISBN: 055299670X
Sprache: Englisch
'The mistress of spices' is the story of Tilo, a young woman born in another time, in a faraway place, who is trained in the ancient art of spices and ordained as a mistress charged with special powers. Once fully initiated in a rite of fire, the now immortal Tilo--in the gnarled and arthritic body of an old woman--travels through time to Oakland, California, where she opens a shop from which she administers spices as curatives to her customers. An unexpected romance with a handsome stranger eventually forces her to choose between the supernatural life of an immortal and the vicissitudes of modern life.
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