
Once agian in Chicago : revisioning women as workers at the Chicago Woman's World's Fairs of 1925 - 1928

Verfasst von: Boisseau, Tracey Jean
in: Women's history review
Wallingford: 2009 , 265 - 291 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Boisseau, Tracey Jean
In: Women's history review
Jahr: 2009
Sprache: Englisch
Women's systematic exclusion from most world's fair administrations after an illustrious showing in Chicago in 1893 is sometimes explained by a waning interest among women in female-centered activism, particularly in the period following the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. The entirely women-run world's fairs, in miniature, staged annually in Chicago in the 1920s belie this interpretation and evince women's determination to utilize the format of the world's fair to reshape public opinion about women's roles. Cross-class idealism and a focus on women's employment at these fairs contrasts sharply with the elitist, racialist, and imperialist rhetoric surrounding the 1893 Woman's Building, as well as the masculinist, consumerist, and eugenic visions that characterized the 1930s Century of Progress Exposition. The essay ends with a discussion of Chicago women's fair organizing in the 1980s, and the historical consciousness regarding women's representation and participation at previous Chicago expositions that shaped these organizers' feminist vision.
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